Sometimes, it takes losing all your dreams before you can discover the one dream that truly matters.”Big Top” is a love story amidst the mayhem, attempted murder, passion, and undaunted determination at a struggling traveling...
Prejudice is in the eye of the beholder in this farce about the challenges facing lovers in a mixed marriage (one living and one undead). Goody Mercer’s husband has died of cholera, and his body is rotting in her living room, as the...
Magic leads to mayhem in this tragic-comic musical tale of love, lust, power and madness, adapted from the classic 1001 NIGHTS. Fourteen year-old SHAHRAZAD, a renowned story teller, has been in love with the young SULTAN since earliest...
Move over American Idol, step aside Dancing with the Stars. It’s the competition that’ll have everyone talking! Roman mythology and 1930’s Birmingham collide in this zany musical romp, where “ugly” is only in the...
Set against the backdrop of America’s Revolutionary War, The Revolution of Betsy Loring follows a trail of romance and rueful treachery, as BETSY LORING, a Colonial Patriot, is torn between her love of country and her growing love...
Presented at Theatre Building Chicago’s Stages Festival, Hands is a suspenseful adaptation of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The story follows the journey of a courageous slave, Tom Shelby, as he struggles to counter the...
In the summer of 1929, Will Rogers hosts the first Women’s National Air Derby, a dangerous cross-country race. Exuberant Marvel Crosson participates for the pure joy of flying; strong-minded Louise Thaden wants to maintain her first place...
SYNOPSIS: When it comes to love or lust, how far can rules be broken before someone can claim, “Me, too!” ? Sally Da Rosa, regional rep for Dom Perignon, has joined other champagne representatives, their associates and buyers on the highly...
© Noelle Donfeld 2025